A Fan's Review of Irene's Birthday Party at Mar 29. 2019 (한./Eng.)연예계 2021. 2. 22. 02:40A_FanSignReview_of_@hxppkitty.zip4.85MB
이 이야기는 레드벨벳의 팬인 어느 한국인 트위터 사용자에 의해 제공된 것입니다. 작성자의 허락을 받아 그것을 번역하여 여기에 공유합니다.
This story was provided by a Korean ReVeluv twitter user. I translated the story into English and upload here under the original writer's permission.
2020년도 마지막 날이니까 오랜만에 푸는 이날 후기 ♥.♥
혹시 여러번 들어봣어도 。。。 처음 듣는 것마냥 재밋게 들어주면。。。★.★
근데 진짜 오랜만에 푸는거라 아마 처음 들어본 사람들이 더많을듯 ?!
It's the last day of 2020 So my review on this day after a long time ♥.♥
Even if you've heard it many times 。。。 just listen to it as if it were the first time 。。。★.★
But since it's been a long time, maybe there are more people who have never heard of it before ?!
바야흐로 때는 2019 년 3월 29일 。。。 데뷔 때부터 쫓아다니던 아의린 언니의 생일날이었음
매년마다 생일날 생일파티를 했는데 작년엔 드림쇼했던 그 아티움 거기서 700명을 불러서한거야
원래는 ㄹㅇ 입성이 목표였는데 티켓팅이 너무 잘돼서 4열안짝이엇음 !!
It is on March 29th, 2019 。。。 the birthday of Irene-unnie, who I have been following all the time since her debut.
We used to have a birthday party on her birthday every year, but last year, 700 people were invited to the atrium where the dream show was.
My original goal was JUST to get in, but I was so lucky on ticketing that I got a seat inside 4 rows !!
너무 오랜만에 보는거라 전날 네일도하고 막 준비 만땅해서 감 .. ㅜㅜ 정말 오랜만에 보는 거라 너무 떨렷허
암튼 당일날 딱 카드받고 입장 했는데 4열이 생각보다 너무 가까운겨 그래서 왕 가깝다 하구 사진찍고 다행히도 양옆 한남 아니고 여자분들이셔서 저웃었어요. 의 마음으로 녹음틀고 기다렸늠 !!!
Since I was going to see her after such a long time, I just prepared a lot and even did my nails the day before .. ㅜㅜ I was so nervous since it's been a long time
Anyway, on the birthday, I received a card and entered, but the 4th row is too close than I expected so I was surprised and took a picture and it was lucky that both of my sides were women, not K-men. It relieved me. I turned on my recorder and waited !!!
글케 생파 시작하고 주현이 나와서 요즘 머하는지 얘기하구 큐앤에이하구 막 그랬난데 내가 오프에서 되게 내향형이라 대답도 잘못하고 속으로만 앓는단 말임 ㅠㅠ 그날도 그냥 열심히 듣고만 있었는데 근데 갑자기 아의린이 대뜸 자기가 팬들을 위해 준비한 이벤트가 있다는 것임 !!!!
So the birthday party started. Joohyun came out and talked about how she is doing these days. And we had Q&A time. But because I am a very introverted person, so I didn't respond well and just kept it inside ㅠㅠ I was just listening to her at all that day too. Then suddenly, Irene said that she had an event prepared for her fans !!!!
팬들 다 웅성 웅성 하고 이벤트 머지 했는데 그 이벤트가 ㅋㅋ 아의린이 다니는 샵에서 아의린만 전담 헤메 해주시는 쌤들이있단말야 근데 그 쌤들이 직접 와서 팬 한명을 뽑아서 아의린 헤메를 해준다는거야 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ(역시 여장부답게 여자팬들만 고려하는모습,
Fans were all surprised and asked each other what the event was. And the event was ㅋㅋ that the hair and make-up staff of the salon Irene goes to would do Irene's hair and makeup by themselves on one selected fan ㅋㅋㅋㅋ (it was desirable to consider only female fans.)
700명다 예상치못한 이벤트에 난리나고 ㅋㅋ 무튼 그얘기하고나서 아의린 언니가 헤메 받고싶은 사람이있냐고 손을들라고 ㅋㅋ (발표도 아니고ㅜㅠ) 했는데 나는 앞서 말햇듯 내향형 오타쿠라 손을 못들겟어서 안들엇지 근데 내 양옆분이 여자분이셧는데 갑자기 옆에 여자분이 손을 드시는거야 번쩍 ㅋㅋㅋ
All 700 fans went crazy at the event that no one expected ㅋㅋ After that, Irene asked whoever wanted to receive the hair and make-up to raise their hands ㅋㅋ (As if she was a teacher who is asking for a presentation ㅜㅠ) As I said earlier, I am such an introverted fan, that I couldn't raise my hand so I didn't, but one of the women on both sides of me, suddenly, was raising her hand ㅋㅋㅋ
그래서 나도 얼떨결에 따라서 손을 들엇어 ㅎㅎ 큰 용기를 냈어, 근데 다들 뭐 이거는 핫딜 이벤트니까 되게 많이손을들엇단말이야? 한 700명중에서 300명정도 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 근데 아무래도 ‘아의린 메이크업’ (;;)을 하는거다보니까 헤메쌤들이 여자고 머리가 아의린이랑 비슷한사람을 구해달라고했나바
I plucked up some courage ㅎㅎ and nervously raised my hand. Since it is a hot event, a lot of hands must have been raised, you know? Probably around 300 out of 700 people. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ But since it’s the “Irene Make-up”, after all, the hair and make-up staff must have asked for a woman who has similar hair with Irene.
일단 주현이가 남자는 다내리고 (ㅋㅋ) 여자분들중에서 머리길고 검정머리인 여자만 손들어달라고했는데 내가 거기에 해당돼서 걍 계속 들고 잇엇움 근데 나포함 꽤 있엇고 심지어 한남들 중에서도 안내리고 꾹꾹 버티는 새끼들도 잇엇음;;
First of all, Joohyun told all the males to lower their hands (ㅋㅋ) She asked for those women with long black hair to raise their hands and since I fit the criteria, I continued to raise my hand. But there were a lot of hands raised including me, and even including K-men who can't understand the shit;;
근데 내 구역 쪽에 손든 사람이 많앗는지 아의린이 우리 구역 쪽을 와서 누구를 골라야하지 하면서 고민하고 앗엇음 ㅋㅋ 글고 내가 4열이라 무대랑 가까워서 좀 큰소리로 외치면 들을수잇는 거리? 였는데 우리 구역 사람들이 막 저요 저요 이러면서 존나 어필을 시작한 거야
But in my area, there were a lot of hands raised, so Irene came here and was contemplating on who to pick ㅋㅋ I was in the 4th row and was close to the stage so she would hear me If I shouted loudly, you know? The people in my area started to appeal and say Me! Me!
글서 갑자기 진짜 이러다기 다른 사람이 뽑힐 거 같은 느낌이 들엇음. 이왕 손든거 해야될 거 아녀 근데 내가 전날 네일햇다고 햇잖아 근데 그게 아의린 최애 색이 보라색이라서 내가 일부러 그 색 맞춰서 네일을 해갔단말이야?? 그생각이 갑자기 머리에 스치면서 어디서 나온 자신감으로 외친건진 모르겠는데
I suddenly had the feeling that someone else would get picked. And I wanted to be chosen after all as I raised my hand. As I told you earlier, I did my nails the day before, in Irene’s favorite color, purple, purposely to match that color, you know?? That thought suddenly came to mind and I don’t know where I got the courage
걍 진짜 무의식적으로 ‘저 보라색 네일했어요!’가 툭튀어나와버린거임 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 근데 내가 딱 글케 외치자마자 아의린 언니가 너 당첨! 왜냐면 나두 오늘 보라색 네일했거든 ㅎ 이래서 나 레알 비명지르고 . 무대로올라오래서 갑자기 자리에서일어나서 무대위로올라감 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
But I shouted, “I have purple nails!” It just came out without thinking. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ After I shouted that, Irene went “I pick you! Because I also have purple nails today ㅎ”. So I really screamed. I was told to be on stage so I got up from my seat and went to the stage ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
근데 진짜 그 무대 올라가는 짧은 순간에 별의별 생각이 다들엇음 내가 지금 무슨짓을 。。。 정말 별꼴이군 이러명서 무대로 엉금엉금 올라갓는데 ... 언니가 갑자기 나한테 마이크를 주면서 자기소개를 하라는 거임 。。。 젠장 그래서 ㅋㅋ 양키티 별안간 아의린 생일 파티에 온 700명의 아의린 팬 랖에서
In the short moment when I went up on that stage, I wondered everything including what am I doing right now 。。。I was shy and went up slowly ... Unnie suddenly gave me the mic and asked me to introduce myself。。。OMG, so, ㅋㅋ Kitty Yang, I, in front of 700 fans of Irene, happened to
마이크에 대고 자기소개를 하게됨 ㄱ- 아니 근데 ㅋㅋ 약간 팬싸는 맨날 내가 내려다보고 언니가 올려다보는 구조였고 사이에 책상이라는게 있으니까 아무리 가까워도 어느 정도 거리감이 있는데 하시발완전 딱 눈높이에 맞게 서서 바로 옆에서 얼굴정면으로 진짜 10 cm도 안 떨어진 거리에서 진짜 나만 계속
introduce my self (what the ㄱ-) By the way ㅋㅋ The fan signing event used to be where I looked down and Unnie looked up all the time, and there is a desk in between, so no matter how close it is, there is a sense of distance. But at that time she was right next to me, matching my eye level, and her face wasn’t even 10 cm away. She kept
뚫어져라 보는데 진짜 미칠 거 같은 거야 새삼 너무 예뻐서 진짜 자기소개고 뭐고 머리가 존나새하얘짐 진짜로 근데 일단 언니가 시켰으니까 해야조? 그래서 마이크를 건네받앗음 근데받긴받았는데 정말 레알 뭔말을 해야될지 모르겠는거야 ㅋㅋㅋ
looking at me and I really felt like I was going to go crazy, cuz she was so pretty. Seriously, to introduce myself or what, my head was going blank. But as Unnie asked me to do so, I should do it, right? So I got the mic. I received it but I really didn’t know what to say ㅋㅋㅋ
아기 거기 앉아있는사람들도 다 아의린 팬인데 아안녕하세여 저는 아의린팬입니다 ㅇㅈㄹ할수도없고ㅋㅋㅋ 그래서 언니보고 이름... 말해요? 했는데 말하래 . 젠장 근데 시키는데 안할수듀 없고 그래서 일단 이름을 말함 ㅋㅋㅋ 그리고 나이도... 말해요? 이랬는데 또 말하래 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 그래서 또 나이도
In front of all Irene’s fans, how dare could I do the idiot saying Hello, I'm an Irene’s fan ㅋㅋㅋ So I looked at her asking 'You want my name...?' So she said yes. OMG, but how could I dare not to do that when she asked so I told her my name ㅋㅋㅋ And I asked 'My age... too?' Again, she said yes ㅋㅋㅋㅋ So I told
말함 ㅋㅋㅋ 셀털재질이걍미쳤음 700명앞에서 ... 암튼 이름나이를 까고 마이크다시 주고 언니가 말을하는데 팬들앞에서 나를 내이름으로 부르면서 이제 @@이가 헤어메이크업을 받을거고 그동안 우리는 파리에서 찍어온 사진을 같이볼거다 . 일케 팬들한테 말함
my age ㅋㅋㅋ It was a huge personal exposure in front of 700 people ... Anyway, after that, I gave her the mic back, then Irene told the fans “Now while Ms. @@ is receiving her hair and make-up, let’s look at the photos I took in Paris.”
근데 그말을 언니가 하자마자 갑자기 무대위로 화장대가 들어오는 거임 ㅅㅂㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 그래서 나는 얼떨결에 별안간 생파를 갓다가 무대에서 해메를 받게됨 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ (당시상황첨부합니다 가린게 나임 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
As soon as Unnie said that, a dressing table suddenly came onstage wtf ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ So I suddenly happened to get a makeover on the stage during a birthday party ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ (as the attached picture where I am covered ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
혹시나 하고 말하는거지만 저는 아직까지 아의린 언니 정말 사랑하고 (정말 이건 트친들이 보장해 줄 수 있을듯) 이건 좀 지난 일이라서 멘트나 그런것에 저의 기억왜곡이있을수가있습니다 。。。
I’m saying this just in case, but until now, I really love Irene-unnie (My Twitter friends can guarantee it) And it has been a while since this happened so my memory might not be so accurate on some words and other things 。。。
근데 진짜 내가 헤메를 받는 동안 주현언니는 나머지 699명의 팬들과 파리에서 찍은 사진을 하하호호 구경하면서 얘기하고있었고 .. 나는 。。。 존나 얼떨떨한 상태로 아직도 실감이 안나서 이게 무슨상황이지 하면서 대가리만 팽팽돌리고있었음 . 그냥 영혼이 나간 상태로 헤메를 받음..
While I was receiving the hair and make-up, Joohyun-unnie was sharing the photos taken in Paris with the other 699 fans.. and I was... in a very confusing state where reality wasn’t hitting me, and saying to myself 'What's going on here' and could do nothing but thinking all the time. I just received the hair and make-up soullessly..
내가 기본적으로 하고간게있으니까 。。。 한 15붕 20분 했나 ㅋㅋㅋ 기억은 정확히 안 나지만 암튼 받고 다 끝났나 싶었는데 아니 의상도 있다는 것임 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ하아 ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ 화장대 옆에 걸린 노란색 원피스였는데 이걸 아의린이 팬입힌다고 “직접” 골랐대 。。。 안 입을 수가 없잖아 내가
Actually, I had done my hair by myself before the party 。。。 After 15 to 20 minutes, I guess ㅋㅋㅋ My memory isn’t accurate but anyways, after receiving it, I thought it was all done but no, there was also the outfit ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠHuh ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ Beside the dressing table was a yellow dress and they said that Irene “personally” picked it for the fan to wear。。。 How could I dare not to wear it?
곰돌이푸처럼 옷찢고서라고 입어야될거아냐 직접골라서 가져왔다는데 。。。 정말 섬세하게 자기생일날 팬이벤트해준다고 신경써준게 느껴졌음 ㅜㅜ (아이린짱 아이린은 좋은사람입니다 아이린은 착한사람입니다)
Shouldn't I wear it even if it doesn't fit me like a Winnie the Pooh because she personally picked it and brought it 。。。 I felt that she cared a lot for the fan event for her birthday ㅜㅜ (Irene is the best, Irene is a good person, Irene is a kind person)
그래서 나는 별안간 무대 백스테이지까지 난입해서 옷을 주섬주섬 입게 됨 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 심지어내가입고간옷이 블라우스라 그걸 벗고 입을수가없어서 그냥 내가입은옷위에 원피스를 두겹으로입게됨 가운처럼 걍 。。。 덩치가 산만해진거지 근데 사담인데 아티움 무대 백스테이지 진짜 신기하게 생김
So I was brought backstage to wear the dress. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ, What’s weirder is that I couldn’t take off the clothes I was already wearing so I just wore the dress over it as if it was a gown。。。So that I would look bigger. By the way, the backstage of the atrium looks really interesting
생각보다 진짜 존나 좁고 바닥이 하나도 안 보여서 걸을 수가 없어서 걸음마를 처음뗀 새끼망아지마냥 휘적휘적걸어다님 。。。 무튼 바닥이안보이고 컴컴하니까 옷 입는데에도 나한테 스텝이 4명이붙은거야 ㅋㅋㅋ 진짜 연예인 간접체험 ..
It's really narrower than I thought, and it was so dark that I can't walk well but just like a foal who took its first step。。。I couldn’t see the floor and it was dark, so I had 4 staff members stuck to me just to dress me up, ㅋㅋㅋ As if I were really a celebrity..
심지어 막 원피스 윗단추를 채워 줄라고 하는데 진짜 너무 부담스러워서 아 제제제재제가할게요 ㅇㅈㄹ ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 암튼 갓 태어난 망아지는 옷을 꿰어 입고 다시 무대로 나가야되 。。。 의 상황이었는데 갑자기 밖에서 언니가 @@이를 무대로 부른다고 다들 박수를 치래 ㅠㅠㅠㅜ
Even when they tried to button me up with the dress, I couldn't help but say Oh le le le le let me do that ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Anyways, the situation was that now the foal had to go back on stage wearing the dress 。。。 Suddenly, from outside, Unnie said to clap since I was being called onstage ㅠㅠㅠㅜ
하아 ㅜㅜㅜ 나 진짜 순간 기절할까 삼초고민함 ㅠㅠㅠ 진짜 개쪽팔려서 얼굴이 개뜨거워지는거야 ㅜㅜㅜ 생각해봐 700명이 나를 위해 박수를 차고 잇다고 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ㅠㅠ 진짜 기절하고 싶었는데 이제와서 기절할 수는 없으니까 다시 망아지마냥 엉금엉금 무대로기어나감
Huh ㅜㅜㅜ For 3 seconds, I thought I'd rather faint out ㅠㅠㅠ I was so embarrassed so my face was getting hot ㅜㅜㅜ Think about it, 700 people were clapping for me ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ㅠㅠ I really wanted to faint but I couldn’t after all the efforts, so I just slowly went up on the stage
막 내가 무대로 나가자마자 언니가 예쁜데?! 예쁜데 ?! 이러면서 팬들한테 자꾸 여러분 예쁘죠!!! (진짜 쪽팔려서 혀 어금니까지 갖다댐) 막이러면서 자꾸 팬들의 동의를 구하는거야ㅠㅠㅠ ㅅㅂ ㅜㅜ제발요ㅜㅜㅜ 진짜 너무 창피해서 진짜 어금니까지갖다댄 혀를 물어말아 물어말아를 진지하게 고민함
Right when I went on stage, Unnie went “She’s pretty, isn't it?! Isn't it?!” and kept asking the fans “Everyone, isn't she pretty?” (It was really embarrassing and I was ready to kill myself) and she kept asking for their agreement ㅠㅠㅠ OMG ㅜㅜ Please don't ㅜㅜㅜ It was so embarrassing and I seriously considered killing myself
아니 생각해보면 그사람들은 아이린 생일축하하러 생파에 모인건데 별안간 20대 일반인여성 양키티의 헤메쇼를 보게된거아냐 。 그래서 너무 부끄럽고 내가 지금 뭐하는지 오만가지의 감정이 들었는데 다시 무대중앙으로 오래 언니가 。。。 가야지 또 엉금엉금나감 나보고 헤메가 맘에드녜 . .
Think about it, everyone gathered for Irene’s birthday party but suddenly they saw a hair and make-up show of a normal woman, Kitty Yang, in her 20s. I was really shy and was wondering what I was doing there but Unnie told me to come into the middle of the stage... So I went. Slowly, again. And she asked if I liked it . .
다시이어서 。。。 맘에 드냐고 물어보는데 당근 맘에 든다고 해야지 . 맘에 들어도 혹은 맘에 들지 않아도 날이 좋아도 좋지 않아도 무조건 마음에 든다고 해야 될 거 아냐 그래서 아 당연히 만족한다고 하고 하하 ^^ 웃고 그렇게 마무리되나 했는데!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let me continue 。。。 She asked if I liked it and of course, I had to say that I like it, regardless of if I liked it or not, regardless of if the weather was good or not, I have to say that I liked it no matter what, right, so I said Oh, yes, of course, I am satisfied haha ^^, and I smiled and it was supposed to end there but!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
갑자기 ♥
언니랑 ♥♥
같이 사진을 찍는다는거임 !! 예에~~~ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ 나 진짜 티는 못 내고 속으로 진짜 민경훈마냥 냅다 비명을 질렀어 진짜 흥분해서 코로 진짜 김나옴 (용같앗을듰
Suddenly ♥
I had to ♥♥
Take pictures together with unnie!! Yeaaah~~~ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ I couldn’t make it obvious but I was seriously screaming like Min Kyunghoon inside. I was so excited that steam was really coming out of my nose (which would look like a dragon그리고 사진 찍는다면서 막 풍선있는 소품쪽으로 이동하라고 했는데 내가 또 쭈뼛쭈뼛 요지랄하고 있으니까 언니가 내 손목을 잡고 끌고감 (ㅆㅂ 이때 언니가 내 손목잡은 사진을 정말 구하고 싶은데 아무도 안 찍엇나 안 주더라ㅜ) 무튼 진짜 순간 심정지오고 약간 이거 사랑의도피인거같고 (절대 아님)
And when we were going to take the picture, we were going to move to the place with the balloons as props but I was doing the idiot again for embarrassment, so Unnie grabbed my wrist and brought me there. (Well, I really wanted a picture of this moment but I think no one was able to take it. No one gave it to me ㅜ) Anyways, I was going to have a heart attack and it was like "Love on the Run" (Don't believe it)
암튼 얼레벌레 소품쪽으로 이동한 뒤에 언니가 잡은 내팔을 놓고 (아쉬웠음) 꽃받침 하자고해서 꽃받침하고 사진을 두장갈겼음 멀리서 1장 가까이서 1장 !!
Anyway, after we got to where the props were, Unnie put down my arm which she was holding (I missed it) She said to do the flower pose so we did it and we took two photos — 1 from far away and 1 from near !!
근데 갑자기ㄱ-!!! 그 사진기사가 포토타임을 끝내려고하는것임 ㅡㅡ (도대체 누구마음대로요. ) 근데 양키티는 제법 매우굉장한 기회주이자이기 때문에? 이대로 끝낼 수 없죠? 한장만 더 찍어야겟다는 생각을 함 ㅋㅋ 그래서 다급하게 언니한테 내 손을 드리밀면서 반쪽하트를 내밈 ㅋㅋ (정말 죄송합니다
But suddenly ㄱ-!!! the photographer was trying to end the photo time ㅡㅡ (on whose fucking authority. ) But I, Kitty Yang, the almost very great opportunist, couldn’t just let her go like this, right? So I thought that I should take 1 more picture ㅋㅋ So I hurriedly made a half-heart with my hand & gave it to Unnie (Forgive me
그랫더내 언이가 웃으면서 내 반쪽 하트를 채워줌 !!!! ㅠㅠ (정말 천사가 아닐리가 없음) 사실 팬싸는 자주 갔었지만 이렇게 가까이에서 웅앵웅를 한건 처음이라서 ㅜㅜ 진짜 뒤질뻔했음 ㅠㅠ 암튼 멋지게 세번째폴라까지 쟁취하고 옷 벗고 내 자리로 돌아갔는데
Then Unnie completed my half-heart and smiled !!!! ㅠㅠ (There is no way she isn’t an angel) Honestly, I often when to fan signing event but this was the first time I was this close and talked with her ㅜㅜ I seriously almost died ㅠㅠ Anyways, I coolly took the third picture, took off the clothes, and went back to my seat.
여기서 부터 주목 !!!!!!!!!
찍은 폴라로이드를 끝나고 싸인해서 준다는거임 ㅠㅠ 진짜 자상함에 기절. 그래가지고 정말 (나 혼자) 끝내주는 생파를 마치고 나와서 티켓부스 쪽에서 얼굴을 가리면서 스텝을 기다렸음 .. 그리고 10분정도뒤에ㅜ스텝이 나왔는데 나오면서 나한테 하는말이 원래 생파 뒷정리
Pay attention from here !!!!!!!!!
I was told that she was going to give me the polaroid with her signature ㅠㅠ Her kindness made me almost fainted out. So, after the birthday party, which was awesome (only for me), I waited for staff by the ticket booth with my face covered .. And a staff came by after about 10 minutes and told me that they were so busy as always after a birthday party
스텝이 나한테 하는 말이 뒷정리가 너무 바빠사 스텝이 그냥 폴라를 싸인없이 주자고 말을 했었대 근데 !! ㅠㅠ 언니가 무조건 싸인을 꼭 해줘 줘야 한다고 말했다는 거야 °̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥-°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ 진짜 끝나고 정신없었을텐데도 폴라 3장에 다 싸인해줘서 감동감동 물결로 집에돌아갔었음 ㅜㅜ 그리고 또
The staff told me that they were so busy cleaning up so the staff was just going to give me the polaroid without any signatures but !! ㅠㅠ Unnie said she had to sign it no matter what °̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥-°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ Seriously, even at the end when it was probably a mess, she signed all 3 polaroids and I went home really touched ㅜㅜ and then
또 감동이었던건 내가 헤메 받는동안 다른팬들은 본 파리에서 찍은 사진들을 나는 못봣었는데 언니가 그거 나중에 인스타에 올려준다고 약속을 했거든? 근데 개인 인스타 만들자마자 파리에서 찍은 사진들 쫘라락 올려줘서ㅜㅜ 나또 감동이었다네요 °̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥-°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥. 정말 배다정
And another thing I was touched about was that Unnie promised me, who didn't see the Paris photos the other fans saw while I was receiving the hair and make-up, that she will upload those on Instagram, you know? Indeed, as soon as she made her personal account, she uploaded the pictures from Paris ㅜㅜ I got touched again °̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥-°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥. She's really Sweet Bae
아 맞아 그리고 재밋는 사진 첨부합니다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 아 사진은 제가 언이의 이벤트에 너무 감동하고 고마워서 무대 내려가기 전에 언니한테 절 하고 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 내려갈려고 했는데 (진짜로) 언니가 어디서 나온 힘인지 내가 절대 절 못 하게 끌어올리는 사진임 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 근데무슨 청혼하는것마냥나와섴ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Oh that's right and I'll attach this funny photo ㅋㅋㅋㅋ What this photo shows is that I was so touched and thankful because of Unnie's event and I tried to bow to her ㅋㅋㅋㅋ before I leave (I mean it) but she kept me from doing that by lifting me up and I'd never realized she was so strong ㅋㅋㅋㅋ But it came out looking like a proposal ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
재밌어서 공유했구요 !!!
썰은 여기서 끝입니다 ♡.♡
근데 저 할말이있으니까 십분만 버티고 좀만 더 봐주세요 !!!!!!! 아이린 피알 시간좀 갖겠습니다 !!!! 계속 썰에서도 말했듯이 팬 단한명을 위한 이벤트도 이렇게 신경써서 처음부터 끝까지 준비해준사람임 그리고 그 바로 다음 팬싸에서도 먼저
I've shared it because it was fun !!!
The story is over here ♡.♡
But, I have something to say, so please hold on for ten minutes and read more !!!!!!! Let me make a public statement on Irene !!!! As I talked continuously in the above story, Irene was such a person who took care of this event from start to end just for one fan. And in the next fan signing event, she was the first
알아봐주고 얘기해주고 했던 사람임 ♡ 너무너무너무 다정하고 좋은 사람이에요 제가 아는 아이린은 ! 내인생에서 처음으로 나한테 내 감정을 스스로 돌봐주라고 말한사람이었음 !! 정말 받았던 그 어떤 위로보다도 공감되고 도움이되는 말이었어요 저날 아이린 파티에서 해준말이었는데
to recognize me and talk to me ♡ Irene whom I know is a very very very sweet and good person! She was the first to tell me that I myself had to take care of my own feelings!! It was more sincere and helpful than any sort of comfort I have received before. It was what she told me at the birthday party, saying
"내 감정은 다른 사람은 돌봐줄 수 없으니까 내가 잘 돌봐주어야 된다" 이런 얘기 하면서 스스로를 잘 돌봐주자고 말한게 너무 너무 와닿고 멋진 사람이라는 걸 느끼게 해준 말이었어요 그래서 나에게 주현이는 너무 멋지고 최고 대단한 사람이라서 앞으로도 언제 어디서든 응원해주려구요
"Others cannot take care of your feelings so you have to take good care of it yourself" While saying this, her encouragement to take good care of myself really touched me and made me feel her a wonderful person. To me, Joohyun is a very cool and amazing person so I will continue to support her whenever and wherever in the future too.
제가 지금 트친들끼리 얘기하려고 시작한 말에 너무 큰 관심을 받아서 지금도 먼말을 제대로 하는지 모르겠지만 ! 제가 느낀 너무 좋은 사람인 아이린 배주현을 조금이라도 더 전달해보고 싶어서 뒷말 붙여요
더늘어지면 눈물날거같으니까 ㅠㅠ ..
I've started to talk just with my Twitter friends and I never expected it to be this popular, even when I don't know what I am saying but! This is a P.S. just to make it clear that Irene, Bea Joohyun, is such a good person as I feel.
I shall stop here not to cry ㅠㅠ..
다들 2020년도 수고많으셨도 다가오는 2021년도에는 정말 빈틈없이 행복한 일들만 가득하셨으면 좋겠습니당
1월 1일 슴콘 아이린언니 나오니까 다들 썰 재밌게읽어주셨으면 고운 시선으로 봐주세요 !!! 키티부탁 ♡ 2021년도에 아이린 주연 영화도 개봉합니다 !!! 많관뷰!!! 새해 복 많이 받으세요
읽어주셔서 감사합니다
All of you have been so nice in 2020, and I hope you have happy things all the time in the upcoming 2021.
Irene will return for the SM concert on January 1st, if you guys enjoyed reading it, and please take good care !!! This is from Kitty ♡ Also, a movie starring Irene will be released in 2021 !!! Many views, please!!! Best wishes for a Happy New Year
Thank you for reading
'연예계' 카테고리의 다른 글
A post on Red Velvet Joy as an elementary student [Eng.] (0) 2021.04.28 [Template for mass mailing] 레드벨벳은 어디에 있습니까?(Where is Red Velvet?) (0) 2021.03.08 A few selected comments on Irene's letter (한/Eng.) (3) 2021.01.16 "개선의 여지는 언제든지 열려 있다" (17) 2021.01.04 You don't deserve to blame Irene. (Eng.) (0) 2020.12.27