A post on Red Velvet Joy as an elementary student [Eng.]
* This post is based on a 2016 Naver blog post written by 연애웹툰작가 희원쌤, but it's not a full translation but a summary of main points. Please contact me through Twitter account @Einrades if you find any problem here or have any suggestions.
The original poster (she/her) was a part-time English teacher in 2007. And it was the same year when she first met Park Soo Young, who was in the 5th grade of elementary school at that time.
The teacher wrote the post on Mar. 11, 2016 because that was right after when she had heard from other former students that her student Park Soo Young has already debuted as the idol Joy, a member of Red Velvet. (The teacher said that she doesn't usually watch TV and not that interested in the k-pop industry.)
The teacher wrote that she was surprised because she didn't expect that her student Park Soo Young would become an idol. Of course, the teacher agreed that Park Soo Young was pretty as a doll. But as she remembered, Park Soo Young of 12 years old (in Korean age) was a calm and shy little lady, who was good at studying and looked quiet.
The teacher was surprised again when she found the profile of Joy from Red Velvet on the internet because that Joy was amazingly sexy and charming, not like Park Soo Young of 12 years old whom the teacher remembered until then. The teacher wrote, “Being her former teacher, I don't know if it’s appropriate to say like that (sexy and charming) about my former student, but whatever, it's true.”
“It was good to see her again like this.” And the teacher supposed that Joy did not get any plastic surgery, because the idol joy, especially as you saw in these pictures, just looked like the student Park Soo Young she remembered.
The teacher remembered, “She used to come to my English class with her younger sister, and both of them were pretty and good. And she cared for her younger sister so much. Both of them kept in contact with me even when I quit the job. Once, when they were middle school students, they told me that I am the best teacher ever.”
She also remembered that one day she found Park Soo Young's face was so white, so when she asked, Park Soo Young answered that her mother helped her put on sunscreen. The teacher also drawed a short cartoon for the story. You can find it in the original post. (m.blog.naver.com/uptothere/220651612649)
A comment on the post:
“But there are haters saying that Joy did get plastic surgery and she's fat even when Joy's past pictures show that it's not true ㅠㅠ”
The reply of the teacher to the comment:
“She wasn't skinny like an idol when she was young. But it's perfectly normal when you consider that she was young and she was good at studying. Even her overall score was second highest at her high school. It's not needed to be skinny like an idol for a high school student studying hard. She could shape her body preparing her debut. And people can just ignore when they think others are not that pretty. I don't know why they say that. Poor haters ㅠㅠ”
Original Post on 11th March. 2016
My Summary on 28th April. 2021